Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Site #1:War Memorial Park

The reason i am bringing you all to the war memorial park is that to let you know you what Singapore did to remember the civilins who died in the Japanese Occupation. The park has open lawn areas with Gnetum gnemon(Melinjau) trees linning the pathway leading up to the memorial from the four corners of the park. Surrounding the memorial is a pond. The war memorial park is a very well-known feature of the Civic Distric and it is referred to mas "The Chopsticks".
This 61 metres tall war memorial consists of four colums, which represents the four races, Chinese, Malay, Eurasian and Tamil, joins at th base to signify the unity of all the races and is dedicated to the civilins who died in the Japanese Occupation. Annually, on 15 Feburary, memorial services are held at the park

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